Over the past several years, yoga has gained popularity, even among medical professionals, and in the western world. Yoga is known as an excellent practice that connects the mind, spirit, and body through the process of meditation, physical exercises (poses or asanas) and controlled breathing.
We’ve all heard that incorporating yoga in our daily lives helps to adopt a positive lifestyle and changes the way we live.
Today, with our lives becoming extremely hectic, stressful and competitive, Yoga is a much-needed resource for our wellness.
Well, we all have heard that yoga keeps your body healthy, but there are also other people who are unaware of the fact that yoga enhances the wellness of your mind, it keeps your mind active by overcoming stress, and tension.
Our Classes for:
Most people believe that age can be the strongest reason for doing yoga However, age is not even a concern at all. Yoga can be performed by all age groups.
Further, yoga nourishes the health of your mind, body, & soul. Yoga brings calm, positive, health, happiness, and so on. It helps in minimizing the effects of depression, tension, and tiredness.
Meditation for a Mindful Practice
Meditation helps to refresh the mind, after hours of working. It heals the mind by reducing stress and promoting inner peace. Meditation takes the mind into a state of seclusion where one finds peace, which gradually helps us to remain composed even during the moments of stress in our lifestyle. Morning meditation is the most ideal way of practicing it, as trainers preach that starting the day with a calm mind keeps the brain composed for the whole day.
Minimizes Stress
It reduces the effects of stress hormones by encouraging relaxation and lowering blood pressure, improving heart rate, boosting the immune system, and easing the symptoms of depression, anxiety, and fatigue.
Helps in Pain Relief
Yoga helps the body become flexible, encouraging flexibility of bones & joints. People who suffer from arthritis, back pain, etc. must practice yoga.
Improves Heart Health
Regular breathing practices in yoga improves lung and heart health by improving oxygen supply in the body.
Improves Posture
Poor posture is one of the main reasons for aches such as on the back, neck, joints, muscles, etc. Yoga poses gradually help to maintain better posture by improving muscle and bone health.
Protects Your Spine
Yoga includes plenty of postures like forward bending, backward bending, twists, and turns to make your spine healthy and flexible.
Lowers Blood Pressure
One of the yoga asanas named Shavasana (Corpse Pose) helps in a good drop in systolic blood pressure by relaxing the muscles and releasing tension, thus maintaining BP level in your body.
Helps You Sleep Better
Our hectic schedules and busy lifestyles lead to us compromising our sleep, which results in headaches, anxiety, stress, etc. Meditation and asanas reduce the tiredness, and stress from the body, in turn promoting better sleep.
Prevents Digestive Problems
Yoga works well in providing relief from digestive issues such as ulcers, syndrome, constipation, and irritable bowel by activating the efficiency of body cells, to fight against various problems.
Mind-Body Connection
Meditation and certain asanas, help in controlling breathing while retraining calmness and peace for your mind. It slows down the loop of frustration, anger, fear, regret, stress, etc. and thus improves overall wellness.
Life is always going to be busy, but it is important to find time for ourselves, our body and our mind to lead a healthy and fit lifestyle and improve our overall wellness. Take a few minutes off every day for ourselves and indulge in a wholesome yoga practice.